Wage Theft

Wage Theft

Everyone knows that theft is illegal and wrong. If someone takes something that belongs to you, then they should be prosecuted under the law. But what if someone takes something from you that you have earned, but have not yet collected? In employment law, this is called to be wage theft, and it is something that millions of workers suffer from without even realize that they are being treated unlawfully.

At its core, wage theft is the failure to pay an employee for the time they spent working, but it can take many different forms. If you believe you are a victim of wage theft, then contact our law firm right away about representation. If you are a victim of wage theft, it is likely that your coworkers are as well.

Male hands holding dollar banknote on old wooden background
Pour elderly man holds coins

What Wage Theft Can Look Like

Wage theft can take many different forms, but the most common wages it is practiced include:

  • The failure to pay minimum wage.
  • Employee misclassification (i.e. you should be classified as an employee based on job duties but you are classified as an independent contractor so your employer can avoid paying you benefits).
  • Failure to pay overtime rates for overtime worked.
  • Expecting workers to perform job duties off of the clock.
  • Illegal deductions from paychecks.
  • Failure to provide payment at all.

Wage theft can range from the subtle to the outrageous, but it is wrong in every form.

What Do To If You Suspect You Are the Victim of Wage Theft

If you believe that you are being denied wages that you rightfully earned, then there are several steps you can take:

  • Discuss your concerns with your employer. If you have a trusting relationship with your employer who you generally believe to be ethical, then it can be helpful to raise your concerns directly with them. They may not realize they are engaging in wage theft.
  • Keep private records of what you are being paid and what you believe you have rightfully earned. The more evidence you have, the better.
  • Contact the Guerra & Casilla team for representation. Even if you generally believe that your employer does the right thing, it cannot hurt to get the opinion of a legal professional. We are always willing to listen to the details of your situation.